Wednesday 9 June 2010

Certified Nursing Assistant

Feed up working in call centers, your team leader giving lot of pressure to reach the weekly task and your client paying salary which is not enough. So people do you want to work, where you don’t find any kind of pressure and want to take enough salary.  Certified Nursing Assistant every one call it as CNA. Working in hospitals to take care of patients about their basic physical and emotional needs, its a demanding, challenging but ultimately rewarding job, long term care facilities, assisted living centers, home health agencies, hospice agencies and other medical, physical and emotional needs. A certified nursing assistant is a duty to assist nurses. CNA training is for a short period like four weeks and other CAN training programs will be extended to 12 weeks, its depend on the curriculum of the CAN training program and hours per day the training take place. CNA training has classroom time, practical experience working on mannequins or dummies and clinical training working in medical facility with patients. After done with training period the finally comes the small CNA exam, each state mandates its own requirements for the CNA exam. Exam got 2 parts one is written exam which test the basic what you learned in the training session

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